Costituzione della Banca d’Abissinia

Atto di concessione accordato in Addis Abeba dall’Imperatore Menelik II alla “National Bank of Egypt”, il 10 marzo 1905, per la costituzione della Banca d’Abissinia

His Majesty the Emperor Menelik, on the one part, and the National Bank of Egypt, on the other part, have agreed to the following:
Art. 1. The National Bank of Egypt is authorized to constitute and establish in Abyssinia a Banking Company to be called the «Bank of Abyssinia» and the statutes will be fixed by the National Bank of Egypt.
The Company shall have a capital of 1. st. 500.000, of which at least 1. st. 100.000 shall be subscribed and paid up when the Company is constituted.
This capital may be increased as the necessity arises for doing so.
The shares of the Bank of Abyssinia shall be offered for public subscription in London, Paris, New-York, Berlin, Rome, Vienne, Cairo and Addis Abeba, with the permission of the rispective Governments concerned.
The Head Office of this Bank will be at Addis Abeba but the Bank may establish both in Abyssinia and abroad such agencies as it may consider advisable in the interest of the Bank.
The duration of the Company shall be for 50 years from the day on which it is founded.
Art. 2. The following eight privileges are granted exclusively to the Bank of Abyssinia, beginning on the day on which it is constituted and lasting during the 50 years of its duration:
1° The Emperor will not allow any other Bank to be established in His Kingdom.
2° The Bank of Abyssinia will have the sole right to ssue Bank notes. The notes of the Bank of Abyssinia shall be legal tender in Abyssinia and whill be exchanged for the bearer in gold or silver at the Head Office of the Bank of Abyssinia.
3° The Government will not mint any coin. All mintings will be done in consultation with the Government by the Bank of Abyssinia who shall have the profit resulting therefrom.
4° Ali the Government public funds shall be deposited with the Bank of Abyssinia, and Government payments shall be made by chèques drawn on the Bank.
5° Preference shall be given to the Bank of Abyssinia for all issues of Government loans.
6° The Bank of Abyssinia is given permission to build warehouses, wherein merchants may deposit their goods against loans from the Bank.

7° The Government of Abyssinia will give a free grant to the Head Offices, its agencie and warehouses.
8° The Bank of Abyssinia shall have transport for its species by rail in Abyssinia at Government rates.
Art. 3. After expenses have been paid, ten per cent of the profit placed to the reserve, and a seven per cent dividend paid to the shareholders, the Bank of Abyssinia shall pay twenty per cent of the remainder to the Emperor of Abyssinia.
Art. 4. In the case of the Bank of Abyssinia not bieng properly constituted before the first of July 1906, the present concession shall be null and void.
This concession has been written in duplicate, one copy of which is in the hands of the Abyssinia Government, and the other in the hands of the National Bank of Egypt.
Written at Addis Abeba, March 10th 1905.

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